Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"How can someone so little need so much stuff?"

Two weekends ago Adam and I had the pleasure of registering for Baby Spoor, and let me tell you, registering has [so far] been one of the most stressful experiences of my pregnancy. Pottery Barn Kids was easy, however Babies R Us has got to be the most overwhelming store I've ever been in. Don't get me wrong -- it's fun when you're shopping for someone else's baby -- but when you're there for your own it's a little intimidating. I had been doing research for about a month prior on certain cribs, swings, car seats, strollers, etc, and I swear none of my research seemed to help. Questions starting pouring through my mind, like, How do we know she'll like that pacifier? There are 30 infant car seats to choose from, which one will be best for her? Does she really NEED a bathtub, or can we stick her in ours? What if she's too big for those clothes? What if she's too small? Huggies or Pampers? The options are endless. We ended up going through the five-page recommended "must-haves" and making some decisions on the spot, while leaving others to register for later. Since then we've spent countless hours online looking at Consumer Reports, user reviews, and recalls, and as of yesterday we've finally completed our registry! Perhaps we put TOO MUCH effort into this process, but I feel good with our choices and know that if we hadn't gone through these motions I'd probably second guess myself for months to come. It's amazing how much stuff one little person will need in the first few months of their life.

One of the most interesting things we've been doing is asking every mother or father to name three things they could not live without with a newborn, and oddly enough the most common item listed has been the diaper genie. Don't get me wrong, I think the diaper genie seems wonderful, and had we not previously had a "Litter Locker" for our kitties we would probably be registering for one. The Litter Locker was great because you could scoop and not have to walk downstairs and outside to the trashcan everytime you cleaned the box out, however the downside is that all of that crap [literally] molds into the bags, and when you go to completely change out the bags once a week, you're hit in the face with the most overwhelming disgusting smell in the world. NOT OKAY. Adam and I both agree that it's much more worth it to us to scoop and walk a target bag out to the trash can once a day than to ever have to smell that smell again. [Needless to say, we decided against the diaper genie.] Some other common items that people couldn't live without were the pack and play, a baby bjorn, and bottle warmers, all of which we are now registered for. I think we may have gone a little overboard on the bibs, bottles [we chose three different kinds to try out], and towels, but hey to each their own. I will forever be grateful to my girlfriends Shanna, Hailey, Katie, Meredith, and Meridee for allowing me to bombard them with an overwhelming number of questions during this process -- you girls are LIFESAVERS!!

It feels good to finally have this behind us, and to now be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of our "alone time" together. I'm twenty-eight weeks today, and it's becoming even more real that in just twelve weeks time I will have my little miracle in my arms. Until next time....


  1. if the bottle isn't warmed from day one, she won't know what a warm bottle is and wont be fussy if you are out and you cant warm it up. just personal experience and from what I've heard from others you dont need to warm it, baby spoor will take a cold bottle if thats all she knows.

  2. Totally agree on the litter locker. My sister had the diaper genie and #1 she got annoyed after a while with the cost (especially with both of them unemployed) and #2 what waste does in dark environments is well... disgusting and not wanted in the house. But! To each his own. Or hers. ;)

    Eee! 12 week countdown! I can't wait!
